

Privacy Statement

Who is WKN Real Estate Advisors and WK Nowlan?

WKN Real Estate Advisors (WKN) and WKN are the trading names of WKN Real Estate Advisors Limited a company registered in Ireland (No. 543848) and regulated by the Property Services Regulatory Authority (No. 003341). WKN is an integrated professional services firm focused on real estate and construction.

What data do we hold?

We hold personal data which identifies you or can be used to identify you – some or all of your name, company, address, email address and telephone numbers. We only collect this data with your specific consent.

Our website does not collect personal data although we use Google Analytics to analyse website traffic – this provides non-personal data which cannot be used to identify you.

Why do we retain personal data on our database and what do we do with it (processing)?

We retain personal date for:
(a) Confirmation of your identity
(b) Ease of communication with you
(c) Circulation of market information
(d) Circulation of information on conferences/events
(e) Circulation of specific property details/research
(f) Job applications

Who will the information be disclosed to?

Your contact information will not be shared with third parties apart from verification of data via MailChimp. Only WKN personnel will have direct access to your data. Insofar as others might have indirect access (e.g. IT maintenance/recovery) such suppliers have legal agreements preventing disclosure of any personal data held by WKN and we seek evidence of such suppliers’ compliance with GDPR.

Retention Period

Data will be retained for two years or otherwise as demanded by law. Job applications for unsuccessful candidates will be retained for 15 months.

Client data is retained for a period of seven years to comply with various legislation including the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011, and our obligations to the Revenue Commissioners.

Your Rights

Provided WKN is not otherwise breaching its obligations under law, you have the right:
(a) To have data deleted
(b) Right to have data corrected
(c) Object to direct marketing
(d) Restrict processing of your data

If you have any queries or wish to have personal data deleted or corrected, object to direct marketing or restrict processing, please contact and we will respond within 48 working hours.

Changes to Privacy Statement

Changes to our Privacy Statement will be by way of update on our website

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